Assumption BVM Church recently issued the following announcement.
PREP, Parish Religious Education Program
We are in need of help for the upcoming PREP school year. We are in need of catechists/teachers, classroom aides, office help and hall monitors for Sunday mornings and Monday evenings. PREP will begin September 19/20. Please notify the PREP office if you are interested in helping our program or if you have any questions. We can be reached either by phone at 215.357.3445 or email at Our office hours are generally Monday through Thursday between 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. We can respond to emails at any time and if you call and leave a message we will return your call as soon as we receive it. Please seriously consider generously volunteering your time to assist our children on their faith journey.
In God's Love, Mrs. Patty Criniti CRE
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