
Central Bucks Today

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

COVID Case Numbers Stall, Report Affirms Vaccine Efficacy


Source: County of Bucks

Source: County of Bucks

County of Bucks issued the following announcement on Sept. 21.

New COVID-19 cases in Bucks County stayed flat last week as a new report underscored the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in Pennsylvania.

Last week’s seven-day average of 133 new cases a day was the same as the previous week’s average, though the total number of cases reported was slightly higher. 

From Sept. 13 to Sept. 17, the Bucks County Health Department reported 577 new positive cases, 10 more than the previous week. Of those cases, 77 were reported among 0-12 aged children and 61 were among those 12-18. Both groups had slight increases from the previous week.

As of Monday, there were at least 58 people being treated for COVID in Bucks County hospitals. Five were on ventilators and 15 adults were in the intensive care unit. Three deaths were reported last week. 

At 6.9 percent, the county’s percent positivity rate on Monday was nearly a percentage point lower than the previous week. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers Bucks a ‘high’ transmission level county. 

The drop in the county’s positivity rate came the same week the state Department of Health published a report showing unvaccinated Pennsylvanians are suffering the worst effects of COVID-19 at far higher rates than their fully vaccinated neighbors.

Since January, the report says, 97 percent of COVID-related deaths were in the unvaccinated, or those not fully vaccinated. Likewise, 95 percent of hospitalizations and 94 percent of new cases also were among people who are either unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated.

At least 60 percent of Bucks County’s eligible population (12 and up) were fully vaccinated as of Monday and at least 67 percent had received at least one dose of vaccine. Last week saw about half as many vaccinations as the week prior, with more than 2,000 residents receiving at least one dose of vaccine.

The county continues to offer first, second and third doses of COVID-19 vaccines at county-run vaccine clinics 

For a full list of vaccine providers in Bucks County and locations where COVID vaccines are being offered, please check Bucks County’s Coronavirus Testing/Vaccination Information page.

To find the vaccination clinics nearest you, text your zip code to 438829. 

Media Contact: Charlotte Reese, 215-348-6430, ckreese@buckscounty.org

Original source can be found here.